Two weeks ago AP writer Michael Felberbaum published an
interesting story, “FDA review of tobacco products grinds to a halt,” about how
the FDA has failed to review 3,500 product applications required by the 2009
Tobacco Act (here).
Felberbaum notes, “The reviews, which
are supposed to take 90 days, has [sic] dragged on for years in some cases.
About 90 percent of applications have lingered for more than a year.”
The story’s title is not entirely accurate, since it implies that the FDA review had been active. In fact, the agency has not completed any reviews.
The number of applications is large, primarily because the Tobacco Act requires manufacturers to submit them even for minor product changes, and even if the new product is “substantially equivalent” to those already on the market. I wrote in March 2011 that the FDA would “Require tobacco manufacturers to spend millions of dollars to keep their existing tobacco products on the market, and prevent the introduction of new products.” (here).
The accuracy of my prediction is confirmed by Felberbaum:
“For example, [Lorillard CEO Murray] Kessler said that under the FDA's
guidelines, if the nation's third-biggest tobacco company wanted to take a Kent
brand cigarette and rename it ‘Newport,’ it would be subject to review even though
‘it's not substantially equivalent — it's exactly equivalent.’”
At first glance, this FDA bottleneck looks like a
win for public health, as it effectively blocks new cigarette
introductions. But as I noted almost two
years ago, this process would result “in a regulatory nightmare for tobacco
harm reduction by threatening existing smokeless products and completely
inhibiting new-product innovation.”
There is additional evidence of FDA inaction. On December 17 the agency held a public
hearing “to obtain comments …on FDA consideration of applicable approval
mechanisms and additional indications for nicotine replacement therapies
(NRTs), and to request input on a report to Congress examining the regulation
and development of innovative products and treatments for tobacco dependence.”
Officials heard surprisingly consistent testimony –
from advocates of tobacco harm reduction and e-cigarettes, strident
anti-tobacco groups and tobacco and drug companies – that smoking, not nicotine
and tobacco, is the public health problem and that the current federal government
obsession with tobacco and nicotine abstinence is an utter failure. The agency was encouraged to give smokers
truthful information about the comparative risks of all tobacco products and,
most importantly, to implement sensible regulations that would enhance smokers’
awareness of and access to vastly safer and satisfying cigarette substitutes
that are already on the market.
There is little reason to expect that the hearing
will have any impact on FDA behavior.
Over two years ago the agency held a public workshop entitled “Risks and
Benefits of Long-Term Use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) Products” (here). The consensus among experts was that long-term
nicotine use has negligible risks and considerable benefits, but the hearing
had no appreciable effect on the abstinence-only agenda.
In the past, the FDA has frequently been criticized
for its regulatory actions, but hardly ever for regulatory inaction, which may
partially explain its behavior. Lars Erik
Rutqvist, senior vice president of scientific affairs at snus manufacturer Swedish
Match, thinks there is an industry focus: “I think there's suspicion within
industry that this is how it's going to be in the future and this is more or
less a way of punishing the industry.”
The FDA is not just punishing the industry. By failing to review applications for new
smoke-free products, the agency becomes an enabler of cigarette consumption,
assuring continued market domination of the deadliest of nicotine delivery
systems. That is a public health
"At first glance, this FDA bottleneck looks like a win for public health, as it effectively blocks new cigarette introductions."
Being that we are both proponents of harm reduction, I am certain that we can agree on one thing: by blocking the introduction of any new and novel (reduced harm) tobacco products, the FDA is in fact doing great harm to the health of the public at large.
There are numerous reduced risk combustible cigarettes that are already in existence, a few of which are currently awaiting approval from the FDA.
There's Brand A (drastic reduction in bio-markers such as NNAL-78%- and NNN-67%), Brand B (63% reduction in smoke/tar inhalation), the anti-oxidant infused cigarette developed by researchers at Cornell University (shown to drastically reduce the amount of cancer causing free radicals..), the haemoglobin and activated carbon filtered cigarette (shown to reduce free radicals in cigarette smoke that pass through the filter by up to 90%), etc... These are but a few examples. We smokers deserve to know about the existence of these products. To deny us access to this information is to deny us of our right to make (our own) healthier choices and thus live healthier lives according to our own means.
90+% of us still prefer combustibles. This can no longer be ignored.
Happy Holidays:-)
I'm extremely frustrated. Working in public health tobacco prevention and control and waiting for FDA to give us some new, research-based talking points about e-cigs, smokeless and OTP is as fruitful as waiting for them to declare the moon is cheese. I'm sick of repeating the same stuff to our smokers, but going out on a limb is a scary, punishing place. We're not all mindless robots in public health, though it seems like FDA wants us that way. And too often it does feel like we're witholding information from the public. I don't know what to communicate to our public anymore other than to encourage them to stop smoking traditional cigs.
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